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Results for Santa Maria do Bouro in Portugal

Lisboa Story Centre - Memórias da Cidade

  • heritage

Praça do Comércio, 78-81
1100-148, Lisboa


Lisboa Story Centre - Memories of the City is inspired by the wide array of facts and events that have shaped the city over the centuries. Visitors will be transported on a 60-minute journey across time and space, spanning the city’s rich history and multiple stories, ranging from the earliest civilisations to the present day. Presented in a playful and interactive manner, using a mixture of elaborate sets, multimedia and immersive and sensory experiences, the Centre offers dramatic recreations of Lisbon's most important historical events, within the zone between the Baixa Pombalina and the Terreiro do Paço, exploring the myths …

Zmar Eco Experience

  • hotels

Herdade A-de-Mateus - Caixa Postal 3845
7630-011, Odemira


Located in the Natural Park of Southwest Alentejo, more specifically in Zambujeira do Mar, the Zmar Eco Camping Resort is a 5 stars, with 81 acres. Classified as campsite Zmar, came, however, changing the concept of camping in Portugal. The Eco Camping beyond the possibility to enjoy moments of course, also offers ecological services worthy of a resort. The accommodation comprises an area with 33 chalets, 48 hotelmóvel accommodations, 3 Zvillas and a park with a capacity of 288 caravans. The chalets and the Zvillas have a capacity for up to six people and are built in wood. The hoteismóveis …

Tasca da Quinta

  • food & drink

Rua Marquês de Pombal, 42
5050-282, Peso da Régua

Peso da Régua

O nome diz tudo. Este é um espaço pequenino, acolhedor e multifacetado, inserido na Quinta de Tourais. O projeto de Manuela Coelho surgiu fruto de uma paixão pela cozinha e pelo contacto com quem passa. Vemos xailes nas mesas, rendas e acordeões nas paredes de granito. Em cima, grandes traves de madeira acentuam o ar rústico. O cardápio faz-se de petiscos (alheiras, pratos de queijos e de presunto...) e tapas: escabeche de cordorniz, açorda de cogumelos e de polvo, feijoada de cogumelos, alheira e bacalhau à Brás, rojões, costeletinhas em vinha d'alhos e ovos mexidos. Para sobremesa há tarte de …

Villa Travancinha

  • hotels

Rua da Borceda, 1
6270-604, Travancinha


Susana e Ricardo andavam a passear pela serra quando encontraram um antigo chalé de montanha à venda. Sempre pensaram sair de Lisboa, mas tinham o Alentejo como destino de sonho. Entretanto, sem querer, apaixonaram-se pelo edifício de pedra estacionado no centro da Travancinha, perto de Seia, e não pensaram mais. Mudaram-se de malas e bagagens para a aldeia e ali criaram este alojamento rural com nove quartos com nomes inspirados em clássicos da literatura, para partilharem a vida e a boa-disposição com quem chega. Entre a enorme sala de estar com lareira, ideal para os dias em que o frio …

Percurso pela Margem Esquerda de Aveiro

  • heritage

Rua João Mendonça
3800-200, Aveiro


At the João Mendonça Street, by the Central canal, you find three buildings with interpreting Arte Nova façades. Through this canal where, in ancient times, all the commerce of the city used to concentrate, now flow the coloured moliceiros boats that dazzle the tourists. At the angle formed by the Central and Pirâmides canals, is the Rossio: ample, garden-like, with palm-trees lined up and arte Nova details. At the intersection with the São Roque Canal and going through the Cais das Falcoeiras follow to the Cais dos Mercantéis and walk around the picturesque fishermen square, in preference in the beginning …


  • country
  • heritage

6271-906, Seia


Located at an altitude of 770 metres, on the southeast foothills of the Estrela Mountain, the small town of Loriga was, until 1855, the siege of the parish, with a town hall, a prison and a pillory. Its name comes from an armour. The valley is quite rich in historical vestiges (the romans, the sueves, the visigoths and the moors were there) and several archaeological vestiges remain: a man shaped grave, a roman bridge, a well preserved part of a roman road and a medieval balcony. Loriga is the main town in a lovely valley that was originated by a …


  • food & drink

Estrada Monumental, 179
9000-100, Funchal


Num ambiente descontraído e com um enquadramento singular, quer seja na sala, onde se manteve o carácter e a tradição, quer seja no terraço com a sua vista única sobre o oceano, a nossa cozinha oferece iguarias inspiradas na cozinha mediterrânica, com muitos paladares da cozinha portuguesa e os sabores típicos dos pratos madeirenses. Um espaço acolhedor onde poderá tomar o pequeno-almoço logo pela manhã, desfrutar de uma refeição leve pelo almoço ou prolongá-lo numa reunião de negócios. O sítio perfeito para tomar uma bebida ao fim da tarde e, principalmente, um lugar de excelência para jantar. Como entradas disponibilizam …

Mamoas da Veiga

  • heritage

5470-173, Montalegre


Set of five funerary structures par excellence, erected during the megalithism of the current Portuguese territory Northwest. The tumulus No. 1 is clearly visible in the landscape, on the left side of the road that connects the Montalegre Meixedo, beside an agricultural warehouse. Presents a "tumuli" high, with approximately 2\/3 meters, where they are clearly visible at least two mainstays. There are visible remains of lytic Cuirass, showing a large central depression. The tumulus # 2 is barely visible in the landscape, finding about 500 meters east of the tumulus to paragraph 1. Presents approximately 18.5 meters in maximum diameter, …

Guerreiro Calaico / Castrejo

  • heritage

Rua 5 de Outubro
5460-304, Boticas


Monolith carved in granite representing the figure of a warrior, (2nd century iron age. I ad) erect and in stop position. Was found, along with other similar copy, probably in the 19th century. 18TH CENTURY (and was later, in the 20th century, found two more mindless statues) in great Castro do Lesenho, (at an elevation of 1075 meters) in Fields, parish of s. Salvador de Viveiro. This Warrior is wearing sagum (out exuberantly decorated with geometric motifs of concentric circles chained and plaids), v-neck and short sleeves, girded by a belt with four parallel veins. The head is proportionate, displaying …

Percurso pela Zona Antiga da Cidade

  • heritage

Rua do Quebra Costa
3000, Coimbra


The old area of Coimbra is characterized by narrow and steep streets that lead to the top of the hill, where the city was born. This tour begins at the Ferreira Borges Street, where the Almedina arch draws the boundaries of the old city. Climbing the Quebra Costa Street ladders, on the left you will find the Arch and the Palace Sub Ripas, from the XVI century, with a renaissance façade, a work of João de Ruão. Further ahead, the Anto Tower marks the memory of the poet António Nobre (1867 – 1900). In the middle of the slope, be …

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