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Casa Manuelina na Praça da República / Delegação do Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela

  • heritage

Praça da República, 28
6270-496, Seia


Manueline rectangular plant building with three floors (two floors initially), probably built in the 16th century. In the 20th century was much altered in order to function as the information centre of the Serra da Estrela Natural Park.

Forno Comunitário em Sabugueiro

  • heritage

Rua do Forno
6270-151, Sabugueiro


Igreja da Misericórdia de Angra do Heroísmo

  • heritage

Pátio da Alfândega
9700-178, Angra do Heroísmo

Angra do Heroísmo

18TH century church where stands out in its interior, a set of sculptures and 19th century paintings.

Igreja Matriz de Jardim do Mar

  • heritage

Caminho Jardim do Mar
9370, Calheta


Ermida da Senhora da Paz

  • heritage

Rua da Paz - EM528
9680-129, Vila Franca do Campo

Vila Franca do Campo

Capela dos Ossos

  • heritage

Rua do Poço
8365, Armação de Pêra


Igreja Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes

  • heritage

Praceta Dona Elisa dos Santos Gomes, 1
8365, Armação de Pêra


Igreja da Sé

  • heritage

Praça da Sé
5300-265, Bragança


Even though it was initially destined to become a nuns convent, it ended up as the collge of the priests of the Companhia de Jesus at the time it was finished. In 1766 the Diocesano Seminar was established here and made enlargement works. Of this monument the most elaborated window, of 1749, a large window of 1685 and the tower, of 1930, stand out. Inside, a special note to the three domes with crosswork arches and the corbels, on the ceiling, the high altar, the choir, the cloister and the sacristy, for the painted panels on the ceiling.

Sé de Braga

  • heritage

Rua Dom Paio Mendes
4700-424, Braga


This medieval temple suffered several changes through the centuries. The classification includes the tombs of the Conde Dom Henrique, Dona Teresa, the Infante Dom Afonso and the archbishops Dom Gonçalo Pereira and Dom Diogo de Sousa

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