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Igreja Matriz de Travancinha / Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Rosário

  • heritage

Rua da Igreja
6270-603, Travancinha


19TH century church where highlights a major Gothic altarpiece.

Igreja Matriz de Vila Cova à Coelheira / Igreja de São Mamede

  • heritage

Avenida do Brasil - Rua Souto
6270-644, Seia


Church built in 1909, with a bell tower with fogaréus and, inside, a wooden pulpit and a baptismal font.

Igreja Matriz de Seia / Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Assunção

  • heritage

Largo Doutor José Quelhas Bigotte/Rua Mota Veiga
6270-509, Seia


Neo-Baroque mother church of longitudinal plant consisting of a ship, a narrower chancel, attachments, and two bell towers on the main façade. It was rebuilt in the second half of the nineteenth century, using the materials of other buildings destroyed.

Igreja Matriz de Pinhanços / Igreja de Santa Luzia

  • heritage

Rua do Forno, 15
6270-141, Pinhanços


Igreja Matriz de Teixeira / Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição

  • heritage

Rua da Igreja
6285-051, Teixeira de Cima


Capela de São Sebastião

  • heritage

Rua de São Sebastião - EM514
6270-174, Sandomil


Baroque chapel dated 1721.

Capela de São Pedro

  • heritage

Avenida Dr. Joaquim Guilherme Correia de Carvalho
6270-492, Seia


Romanesque chapel, rebuilt in the 16th century on an ancient temple built between the 12th and 13th century. Features a Bell Tower and diagonal buttresses that support a starry dome of coverage. The altar is covered the hispano-Moorish edge tile. The primitive Temple exists the portal, flanked by two inscriptions identifying the periods of construction and reconstruction.

Capela da Quinta de Nossa Senhora da Conceição

  • heritage

Bairro Nossa Senhora da Conceição
6270-273, Casal Novo, São Romão


Mannerist chapel consists of a longitudinal plan with a nave and a narrower chancel, with toppings differentiated gabled roofs. It was built in 1743 by Antonio Boto Machado, Treasurer-mor da Sé da Guarda.

Casa Manuelina na Praça da República / Delegação do Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela

  • heritage

Praça da República, 28
6270-496, Seia


Manueline rectangular plant building with three floors (two floors initially), probably built in the 16th century. In the 20th century was much altered in order to function as the information centre of the Serra da Estrela Natural Park.

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