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Museu Nacional do Pão
- heritage
Rua de Santana - Quinta Fonte do Marrão
6270-538, Seia
Space Museum opened in 2002, with three storeys and four exhibition halls, where displays the earliest artistic traditions and Portuguese bread. The space is divided in Bread cycle Room, Room of political, Social and religious Bread, Bread art Room and Pedagogical Room. There is also a restaurant where the King is, as expected, the bread. Be sure to visit the old grocery store, where they acquire various kinds of bread here produced. Tertulias and temporary exhibitions are frequent activities of the Museum.

- country
- heritage
6290-081, Gouveia
Folgosinho, located on the north slope of Serra da Estrela, at an altitude of 930 metres, was the county seat until 1836. It is known for having been mentioned in the "Lusíadas", due to Viriato who, according to legend, was born here. It has a rich cultural heritage, highlighting the archaeological site of Outeiro, the medieval walls, the pillory and the church. The population dedicates itself, in its majority, to the pastoralism, being produced in this region the famous cheese of Serra da Estrela.
- country
- heritage
6270-151, Seia
Located on a plain above the Alva river, Sabugueiro is the highest village in Portugal (an altitude of 1050 metres). It started from the shacks of sheperds that used the mountain's pastures for their sheep and their goats. The engraving on the rock by the Canariz Fountain is a testimony to the peopling of the area in remote times. Even though there are still shepherds and related activities (wool and cheese production), rural tourism has developed in the last few years and there are several typical houses currently adapted. The shpherds still move to the Douro region in the winter …

Passadiços do Mondego
- country
6300-245, Videmonte
Os Passadiços do Mondego desenvolvem-se nas margens do Rio Mondego, no concelho da Guarda, ao longo de um percurso de 12 quilómetros. O trajeto começa na aldeia de Videmonte e termina na Barragem do Caldeirão.

Penhas Douradas
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- heritage
Penhas Douradas
6260-200, Penhas Douradas
É uma aldeia de montanha localizada na Serra da Estrela, a cerca de 1300 metros de altitude. A sua designação deve-se à formação geológica aqui existente. Tornou-se numa estância de referência no turismo de natureza, destacando-se a vista sobre o vale glaciar do Rio Zêzere.

Museu Judaico
- heritage
Rua da Portela, 4
6250-088, Belmonte
It is a living testimony of the important presence that the Jewish community had and still has in Belmonte. It is also a tribute to those who managed to resist the expulsion orders of Catholic kings, the persecution of the Inquisition and the decisions of the courts. Its collection consists of pieces used by Jews and New Christians in their daily lives or in religious practices, from the Middle Ages to the 20th century.

Aquadome - Termas de Unhais da Serra
- beach
- leisure
Avenida das Termas - Apartado 14
6200-999, Covilhã
This modern thermal complex, integrated into renewed termas de Unhais da Serra, in the Natural Park of Serra da Estrela, is recognized by the various treatments that the high degree of therapeutic mineral water of Tábua offers. The building has a thermal pool with hydromassage bath, hallway, hydro baths, vichy showers, hidropressoterapia, bertholaix, airway, greenhouses, steam between numerous therapies.

Penhas da Saúde
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- heritage
Penhas da Saúde
6200-324, Penhas da Saúde
Aldeia de montanha, situada a cerca de 1.500 metros de altitude, que apresenta uma bonita paisagem sobre o planalto e a montanha. Localizada no coração da Serra da Estrela, aqui funciona um resort de inverno.

Covão d'Ametade
- country
- leisure
6260, Manteigas
Covão de origem glaciar, localizado no sopé do maciço do Cântaro Magro, onde nasce o rio Zêzere. Pode fazer-se campismo que beneficia dos chamados crevunais, que são relvados naturais.

Queijo da Serra / Queijo Serra da Estrela
- leisure
Celorico da Beira
6360, Guarda
O Queijo Serra da Estrela, vulgarmente chamado Queijo da Serra, é o mais antigo dos queijos portugueses, produzido desde o século XII. É um queijo curado, de pasta semi-mole e amanteigada de cor branca ou amarela, produzido de forma tradicional a partir do leite de ovelha, na região da Serra da Estrela. Produto DOP (Denominação de Origem Protegida), a qualidade e sabor único do Queijo da Serra são reconhecidos em todo o mundo.