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Segurança Social - Serviço Local da Maia
- utilities
Praceta Engenheiro José Adriano Moreira dos Santos, 20-28
4470-134, Maia

Adega Regional O Escritório
- food & drink
Rua da Granja, 302
4425-094, Maia
Restaurante simpático que possui uma ampla sala e um terraço, apresenta regularmente música ao vivo.

Segurança Social - Serviço Local de Portimão
- utilities
Avenida Dom Afonso Henriques
8500-502, Portimão

Orca do Porto Lamoso / Orca dos Moinhos de Rua
- heritage
3650-010, Alhais
It might have a camera with 10 pillars and a corridor about 3.80 in length. It is well signposted, but the access will have to be made by dirt road. This dolmen is in reasonable condition, however the monumental cover slab is misplaced.

Piscinas Municipais de Vila Nova de Paiva
- leisure
Rua Outeiro do Facho, 2
3650-216, Vila Nova de Paiva
The municipal swimming pools in Vila Nova de Paiva have excellent conditions for swimming and water aerobics.

Sarcófagos Medievais de Vila Cova à Coelheira
- heritage
Avenida do Brasil
3650-120, Vila Nova à Coelheira
The Medieval Sarcophagi are located in Vila Cova à Coelheira, more precisely on Avenida do Brasil (next to the Main Church). They date back to medieval times but are displaced from the location of the archaeological find. These sarcophagi are carved from granite blocks in an advanced state of deterioration, they belonged to the cemetery of the old church of Vila Nova à Coelheira.

Necrópole Medieval de São Martinho de Almoneixe
- heritage
3650-081, Touro
This Medieval Necropolis is an archaeological complex with 11 tombs excavated in the rock, one of which has a high relief representing a chalice.

Auditório Municipal de Vila Nova de Paiva / Auditório Carlos Paredes
- art
Praça do Município, 1
3650-207, Vila Nova de Paiva
Shows and activities from the most varied areas take place in this auditorium.