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Fonte Concelho

  • heritage

Santa Eufémia
6400-631, Santa Eufémia


Granite source, inserted in the soil, next to which there is a tank that receives water from the Creek of the chestnut tree.

Fonte do Lugar

  • heritage

Largo da Amoreira
6400-101, Cidadelhe


Medieval source on granite, with rectangular water box, flanked by another tank that served as a watering hole for animals. The inscription that can be seen in front, "1818", is referring to the reforms carried out. Access to the interior of the source is made by steps.

Fonte Romana de Freixedas

  • heritage

6401-907, Freixedas


Igreja Matriz da Coriscada / Igreja de Santo António

  • heritage

Largo Engenheiro Manuel de Barros
6430-051, Coriscada


Late-Baroque Manor House is believed to have been built in 1759, suffering after renovations in the 21st century. Presents a regular plant in U and L on the second floor, giving rise to a courtyard which if adossam other volumes.

Igreja Matriz de Carvalhal / Igreja de Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres

  • heritage

Avenida da Igreja - EM600
6430-031, Casteição


Baroque church built in the 17th century, probably dating from this height the main altarpiece and the coverage in caissons. Presents a longitudinal plan consists of a nave, a chancel and a vestry closer and a adossados Tower.

Igreja Matriz de Aveloso / Igreja de São Brás

  • heritage

Largo da Devesa
6430-011, Aveloso


Baroque church built in the 17th century, probably dating from this height the main altarpiece and the coverage in caissons. Presents a longitudinal plan consists of a nave, a chancel and a vestry closer and a adossados Tower.

Igreja Matriz de Outeiro dos Gatos / Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Graça

  • heritage

Largo da Igreja
6430-312, Outeiro dos Gatos


Chiesa Madre (mother church) consists of a longitudinal plan with a nave, a chancel, a vestry and, in the main façade, a belfry. Features of Mannerist, Baroque and Rococo architecture.

Fonte Zarelha

  • heritage

6430-051, Coriscada


Diving fountain barroca, probably built in the 18th century. It consists of a rectangular tank with cover in slabs, forming a barrel vault inside.

Fonte do Chão da Cruz

  • heritage

Avenida Divino Senhor da Boa Esperança
6430-051, Coriscada


Baroque diving source, probably built in the late 18th century. It consists of a rectangular plant and a cover slab, forming a barrel vault inside.

Barão Fladgate

  • food & drink

Rua do Choupelo, 250
4400-088, Vila Nova de Gaia

Vila Nova de Gaia

The investment provided for prepositioning of Flagdale restaurant boast of having the best view of the city of Porto, if each decide, but what is truly fantastic, this is one of the most famous inserted port wine cellars in the world, the Taylors, inspired in the NECTARS home to making of the dishes, taking influences from traditional Portuguese cuisine, French and Italian. The Baron de Flagdale restaurant the lobster salad, shrimp, smoked salmon and capers with mayonnaise and Taylor's Chip Dry, Tournedos with bacon, port wine sauce Taylor's LBV and Varzelas farm olive oil are some of the dishes of …

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