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Fonte de Azêvo

  • heritage

Rotunda da Estrada Municipal
6400-141, Azêvo


Source opened in 1940, as part of the celebrations of the Centenary, in granite, composed by 2 tanks and 2 cocks.

Cruzeiro de Madalena

  • heritage

Rua Principal
6400-141, Azêvo


C19th foursquare based cruise to four steps, on which rests the Latin cross crowned and a marble plaque inscribed.

Casa com Portal de Lintel Figurado

  • heritage

Rua do Arrabalde
6400-191, Cidadelhe


House in granite, which stands out the portal with lintel composed of two dragons face to face and an Angel.

Cruzeiro de Cidadelhe

  • heritage

6400-191, Cidadelhe


Cruise ship built in 1940, under the programme of the celebrations of the four centenarians. Is foursquare basis of 3 steps, in granite, where column is surmounted by a Latin cross.

Casa com Portal Quinhentista

  • heritage

Largo da Igreja
6400-191, Cidadelhe


Manueline-style residence, with portal dating from 1586, where one can see the Crown with the municipal arms of Cidadelhe.

Chafariz do Largo do Antigo Paço Episcopal

  • heritage

Largo Combatentes da Grande Guerra
6400-348, Pinhel


Fountain located in largo, with sink-shaped vase, in granite, and 2 taps.

Casa dos Fidalgos de Santa Eufêmia

  • heritage

Rua Direita - EM595
6400-631, Pinhel


Baroque house with granite trim, aluminum frames on the Windows of the façade. Has chapel which became the parish, where stands the gilded altar.

Casa Quinhentista na Rua dos Tiros

  • heritage

Rua dos Tiros - Bairro do Castelo
6400-510, Pinhel


16th century Manueline House, two-story, being the second one which serves as a residence and whose access is made through the stairwell.

Ponte Romana de Lamegal

  • heritage

Rua da Ponte Romana
6400-232, Lamegal


Roman bridge of a single board and with a round arch, under which passes the river picks up or Sajeedpa.

Fonte Concelho

  • heritage

Santa Eufémia
6400-631, Santa Eufémia


Granite source, inserted in the soil, next to which there is a tank that receives water from the Creek of the chestnut tree.

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