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  • food & drink

Estrada do Garajau, 142
9125-063, Caniço

Santa Cruz

Simple and familiar restaurant, serving up traditional Portuguese dishes. It has a small esplanade.

Churrascaria 37

  • food & drink

Avenida do Brasil
6230-633, Silvares


O Cais

  • food & drink

Rua 5 de Outubro
4605-378, Vila Meã


Pizzaria Dom Gancho

  • food & drink

Rua Francisco Alexandre Ferreira, 188-F
4400-469, Vila Nova de Gaia

Vila Nova de Gaia

A space with two rooms decorated with glassed tiles, with a wood oven where the specialities are cooked.


  • food & drink

Avenida Ramos Pinto, 630 - Cais de Gaia, loja 630
4400-161, Vila Nova de Gaia

Vila Nova de Gaia

A large room with river views, where one may enjoy Brazilian flavours, namely the rodizio. To accompany such meal there is nothing better than live music.

Pizzeria Antonio Mezzero

  • food & drink

Avenida Meneres, 390-400
4450-189, Matosinhos


Taberninha do Manel

  • food & drink

Avenida Diogo Leite, 308
4400-111, Vila Nova de Gaia

Vila Nova de Gaia

O restaurante Taberninha do Manel, localizado na zona ribeirinha de Vila Nova de Gaia, oferece uma vista privilegiada sobre o rio Douro e o Porto. A decoração rústica no interior e o carro clássico à porta fazem parte da imagem de marca da casa. É conhecida pelos seus inúmeros petiscos, desde o chouriço assado, às iscas de bacalhau, presunto, moelas e bolinhos de bacalhau. Serve também pratos mais completos, como as tripas à moda do Porto, rojões à minhota e as típicas francesinhas, não esquecendo o caldo verde.

Ponte Medieval sobre a Ribeira do Porquinho

  • heritage

Rua Rossaio
6400-661, Valbom


Medieval bridge with probable date of construction in the 13th century, located 7 km of Pinhel, linking the banks of Ribeira do Piggy with the banks of the river Massueime. It was built of granite and has a round arch, the Board is paved and repaved in the 20th century.

Portal do Convento de Santa Clara

  • heritage

Rua António José de Almeida
6400-321, Pinhel


This is the main portal of the convent of Santa Clara, with Classicist traits admirable. In the pediment can be seen the figure of Santa Clara. While convent, was dumped in 1836, when it was built the Passeio Público and settled the Government offices at the left of the Convent. Today is occupied by the Social and Cultural Centre of the parish of Pinhel and houses the São Luiz movie theater.

Pelourinho de Lamegal

  • heritage

Largo do Pelourinho
6400-232, Lamegal


This is a Manueline pillory with a pyramidal orb and octagonal shaft ornate with half spheres. It is topped by a square piece crowned by a pyramid.

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