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Results for Mosteiro dos Jerónimos in Portugal

A Descoberta

  • food & drink

Avenida João Soares Branco, 9-11
7580-166, Alcácer do Sal

Alcácer do Sal

An old recovered cafe, right in the historic area of the Alcácer do Sal parish, that combines tradition and modernity.


  • food & drink

Rua São Bento, 87
4480-781, Vila do Conde

Vila do Conde

A restaurant located in the historic area of Vila do Conde. It serves home made dishes in a welcoming atmosphere.

Quinta da Palmeira Romantic Boutique

  • food & drink

Rua Principal, 36
3305-050, Cerdeira


Além do espaço, também os pratos são verdadeiras obras de design e décor.

Tasca do Chico

  • food & drink

Largo do Cruzeiro
5450-296, Vila Real

Vila Pouca de Aguiar

Inserted in the Taverns of the region of Alto Tâmega, a Tasca do Chico is a good site for lovers of regional cuisine.


  • food & drink

Rua da Pia do Urso, 28
2495-031, São Mamede


A rustic and welcoming restaurant, located in the Pia do Urso village, with a wide menu of traditional Portuguese dishes.

Marco das Descobertas

  • heritage

Largo Nossa Senhora da Conceição
9580-539, Vila do Porto

Vila do Porto

Monument erected in honor of discoveries, located at the center of a flower bed, in front of the bandstand of Vila do Porto.

Moinho da Casa Velha

  • heritage

7540, Santiago do Cacém

Santiago do Cacém

The parish of Santiago do Cacém has many imortant mills. These are where bread was mad in the old days.

Moinho de Vento na EM1110

  • heritage

7540, Santiago do Cacém

Santiago do Cacém

The parish of Santiago do Cacém has many important mills. These are where bread was made in the old days.

Monumento ao Concelho

  • heritage

3405, Bobadela

Oliveira do Hospital

Monument depicting two arches and some human figures, erected in honor of the municipality of Oliveira do Hospital.

Monumento aos Pescadores

  • heritage

Praça da Cidade do Salvador
4450, Matosinhos


This is a huge red network, located at the roundabout opposite the Via of the Castelo do Queijo, erected in tribute to fishermen.

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