Maria do Carmo
A restaurant with a simple decor, a pleasant atmosphere and comfortable. It has a menu with regional gastronomy and a good wine list.
Rua Gaspar Sameiro, 761
- tel:259322407259322407
- social network:
- 15.00€
- 250
- Familiar
- Simple
- None
- ATM, American Express, Mastercard, Visa
- Easy external parking, Private parking
- Portuguese, Regional
- Internet, smoking, Air conditioning, accessibility
- monday: 12:00-15:00
- tuesday: 12:00-15:00, 19:00-22:00
- wednesday: 12:00-15:00, 19:00-22:00
- thursday: 12:00-15:00, 19:00-22:00
- friday: 12:00-15:00, 19:00-22:00
- saturday: 12:00-15:00, 19:00-22:00
- sunday: 12:00-15:00, 19:00-00:00
- holiday: 12:00-15:00
opening hours
Restaurants near Maria do Carmo
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A rustic restaurant with a simple and familiar atmosphere. Marriage and baptisms service.
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O Barriguinha Cheia
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13.00 €
The Barriguinha Cheia is located in a large house. It has a pleasant room and large windows. Excellent wine list.