Geira Romana

This is a joint of Milestones some of which from Tito-Domiciano, Nerva,Trajano or Adriano. Here it is possible to read the miles XXXIII, XXXIIII, XXXV or XXXVI that were counted starting from Bracara Augusta. This via, probably built on the last third of the I d. C. century, connected Bracara Augusta (Braga) to Asturica Augusta ( present Astorga, in Spain) and presents a route with around 215 miles (318 Kilometres).




  • Easy external parking
  • Archeological sites
  • True

Monuments near Geira Romana

Ponte de Pergoim

Century bridge trestle Board on two arches of volta redonda. Very nice specimen of rustic flavour.

Cruzeiro de São João do Campo

Built on the milestone for mile XXVII told from Bracara Augusta.

Moinhos de Água de Gondoriz

This is the earliest known structure of harnessing kinetic energy the waters of rivers and streams.

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