Praia Vasco da Gama

A rather lovely beach, located by the castl whre Vasco da Gama was born and by the fish and recreation port.Attended by youngsters with lively evenings.Fine quality restaurant.


Praia Vasco da Gama


  • Difficult external parking
  • Seaside beaches
  • Bathhouses, WC, Boating facilities, Shower, Handicapped access, Bar/snack-bar, Restaurante
  • car access
  • blue flag}
  • watch

Beach near Praia Vasco da Gama

Praia do Burrinho

A peaceful beach with a small lake.

Praia do Norte - Sines

A rather wide beach, perfect for radical sports.

Praia da Navalheira

A wide dunes area, quite rocky, excellent for underwater fishing.

Praia de Morgável

A large beach sided by dunes, with vegetation.It has a fine quality restaurant.

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What do do near Praia Vasco da Gama