Praia da Costa de Santo André

A beach surrounded by dunes, attended by youngsters and linked to the Santo André lagoon.Very lively evenings.


Praia da Costa de Santo André
7500,Lagoa de Santo André


  • Difficult external parking
  • Seaside beaches
  • Bathhouses, Bar/snack-bar, Restaurante
  • car access
  • blue flag}
  • watch

Beach near Praia da Costa de Santo André

Praia do Monte Velho / Praia do Porto das Carretas

A familiar beach, for those who look for beautiful landscapes.On the dunes that surround it there are several pedestrian walks with signs.

Praia da Fonte do Cortiço

A beach with a wide sandy area, surrounded by dunes and pinewoods.It has a picnic area and a small bar/restaurant where cheap meals are served.

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What do do near Praia da Costa de Santo André