Monóptero de São Gonçalo

Baroque Pavilion type construction, circular plan. Is a very rare historical example, having a strict function assigned.


Penas Roias


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Monuments near Monóptero de São Gonçalo

Capela de Castro Vicente

A 16th century chapel of longitudinal plan simple. The portal is large compared with the size of the Chapel and the window above.

Capela de Nossa Senhora de Assunção

Chapel of longitudinal plant, single space, very simple. The altarpiece, inside, in gilt. It is not known the correct date of its construction, knowing only th…

Castelo de Mogadouro

The castle of Mogadouro was donated by D. Afonso Henriques to the Templars and, a few years later, passed to the Order of Christ, its successor. Today, only tw…

Castelo de Penas Róias

A short distance from the village of Penas Roias are the remains of this castle with a quadrangular structure. All that remains of the castle is the keep, the …

Fonte da Cruz

Diving fountain of quadrangular, externally covered with roof of four waters and internally, with vaulted outer tank. Has an indication with the restoration ye…

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