Nestled between the deep valley of the Douro River and the Sabor River basin, the municipality of Mogadouro occupies the extension of the Planalto Mirandês and borders Spain to the southeast, with a large part of the territory covered by the Douro Internacional Natural Park. The population is essentially rural, dedicated to agriculture and livestock. There, olive groves, vineyards, wheat and some rye are cultivated, vegetable gardens near the watercourses and chestnuts further to the south. In livestock farming, the emphasis is on cattle, which give rise to milk production and well-known "Posta Mirandesa". Being eminently rural, it boasts a wild and sweet natural beauty, populated by healthy, affable and hard-working people whose noble character attests to its rich historical heritage.

What to do in Mogadouro
Where to eat in Mogadouro
Where to sleep in Mogadouro
Casa das Quintas is located in the small village of fifths of Broken in the Northeast transmontano, beside the International Douro Natural Park. It consists of…
3 star
Cosy Hotel situated on a plateau in the Centre of Mogadouro, near the International Douro Natural Park. Provides fantastic views of the whole region. It offers…
Located in the North-east of Portugal within the International Douro Natural Park, Casa das Arribas is a complex made by two similar country houses. Rebuilded …
Near Mogadouro
Freixo de Espada à Cinta
Situated at the southern end of Bragança district, the municipality of Freixo de Espada à Cinta borders Spain and is located in the heart of the Natu…
Macedo de Cavaleiros
Macedo de Cavaleiros enjoys a remarkable natural heritage, with emphasis on the Paisagem Protegida da Albufeira do Azibo (protected landscape), a vas…
Located in the extreme northeast of Portugal and integrated into the "Terra Fria" (Cold Land) of Trás-os-Montes, Vimioso presents a landscape that a…
Alfândega da Fé
Taking as a reference the Serra de Bornes to the north, the valley of the Sabor river to the south, Castro Vicente's plateau to the east and Vilariça…