Teatro Ribeiro Conceição

This building, dating from the 18th century, has worked as a Hospital and infantry regiment. Only in 1929 is that opened as a theatre, lasting until 1987. After restoration, it reopened in 2007. The room of spectacles, circular in plan, is covered with a dome and the places are distributed by audience and two levels of staterooms with balconies ornamented.
The building is classified as a Building of public interest.


  • Theatres & Showrooms

    opening hours

  • tuesday: 14:00-19:00
  • wednesday: 14:00-19:00
  • thursday: 14:00-19:00
  • friday: 14:00-19:00
  • saturday: 14:00-19:00
  • sunday: 14:00-19:00

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