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Cozido nas Caldeiras das Furnas
- leisure
Lagoa das Furnas
9675-090, Furnas
This is the best-known dish in the local gastronomic culture. Vegetables, pork and beef sausages are placed in a pan and placed in the heat of the boilers for around six hours. Then just dig out the pot and enjoy. At Lagoa das Furnas, as long as you show up early, you can cook your own stew, with the help of a person responsible for the Furnas Parish Council. Otherwise, the various restaurants in the surrounding area offer this delicacy.

Miradouro do Pico do Ferro
- country
- leisure
9675, Furnas
A very pleasant space that allows you to see all the beauty of the lagoons and the surrounding region.

Miradouro do Salto de Cavalo
- country
- leisure
9675, Lomba de São Pedro
Place from where you can see the natural beauty of the region, especially Lagoa das Furnas. A very popular place for paragliders.

Miradouro do Pico Longo
- country
- leisure
9650, Nosso Senhor dos Remédios
Very pleasant space that allows you to glimpse all the beauty of the surrounding region.

Museu do Trigo
- heritage
Estrada Regional da Lomba do Alcaide
9650-213, Povoacão
Museum where you can see the instruments formerly used to harvest wheat. It has a permanent exhibition of panels that portray and explain the techniques of wheat cultivation, harvesting and threshing.

Portas do Povoamento
- heritage
Largo Infante Dom Henrique
9650-423, Povoação
Monument inaugurated on July 3, 2005, on the day commemorating the 166th anniversary of Povoação becoming a municipality. It represents the place where the first settlers of São Miguel Island docked. It consists of small, high-relief images of prominent figures from that time.

Fumarolas - Caldeiras das Furnas
- country
Largo das Caldeiras
9675-045, Furnas
Set of fumaroles located in the center of the island, more specifically inside Caldeira das Furnas. Here you can find around twelve types of water, each with different medicinal properties.

Lagoa das Furnas
- beach
- country
Lagoa das Furnas
9675-090, Furnas
Quiet lagoon with clear waters, on whose banks stands the Chapel of Nossa Senhora das Vitórias and where the well-known stew is made, burying the pots in the ground.

Parque Florestal das Furnas
- country
- leisure
EN1-1A, 62
9675, Furnas
Wide green space that has an aquaculture station for raising trout that are later transferred to many of São Miguel's lakes and streams. In this pleasant park it is possible to see deer, peacocks and pheasants.

Reserva Florestal de Recreio de Água Retorta
- country
- leisure
9650, Água Retorta
Park with an area of fifteen hectares, located at approximately 400 meters of altitude. Pleasant and well-maintained site, perfect for strolling.