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Cruzeiro no Terreiro de Santo António
- heritage
Largo de Santo António
5150-533, Vila Nova de Foz Côa
Cruise consisting of three octagonal steps, a pedestal worked and a large cross.
Cruzeiro de Almendra
- heritage
Rua João Ildefonso Bordallo - EN332
5150, Vila Nova de Foz Côa
Simple lines cruise consists of two steps, a pedestal, a cylindrical shaft and, at the top, a cross.
Cruzeiro de Muxagata
- heritage
5150, Muxagata
Cruise the templete type, dating from the 18th century, presenting a centralized plant defined by four pillars based on a podium. The interior is protected by metal guards, finding themselves in the cruise centre, consisting of two steps, a column, a capital and, on top, a cross.
Maria da Mouraria
- food & drink
Largo da Severa, 1-2B
1100-588, Lisboa
Em plena Mouraria, encontra-se a que teria sido a Casa da Severa, que foi recuperada pelo arquitecto José Adrião e que se encontra sob gestão do Museu do Fado. Funciona agora como restaurante de degustação de petiscos portugueses, com fado ao vivo nas noites de Quarta a Domingo .
Igreja Matriz de Vale do Seixo / Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição
- heritage
Vale do Freixo
6420-672, Trancoso
Baroque church built in the 18th century, probably in 1726, second attests a date recorded abroad. In the interior, highlighted by a major Baroque altarpiece.
Igreja Matriz de Torre do Terrenho
- heritage
Torre do Terrenho
6420-642, Trancoso
This church has a Romanic origin it possesses a façade composed by a doorway with a perfectly vaulted arch topped by a campanile.
Pelourinho de Valezim
- heritage
Rua da Faia
6270-621, Valezim
This Gothic pillory under heraldic type was built above a platform with four square steps, a column with flat octagonal shaft, a flat capital and the finishing has a pyramid shape showing the Portuguese Coat of Arms and two small irregular and symmetric spheres.