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Torre da Princesa
- heritage
5300, Bragança
On the north side of the castle's walls stands the "Tower of the Princess", thus called because, according to an ancient leegend, there lived a young moorish princess loved by a Christian.
Ponte de Gimonde
- heritage
5300-553, Bragança
Stone Bridge based on six perfect round arches, which support the Board in easel, erected on the Owodeadejoke.
Tasca da Memória
- food & drink
Calçada do Galvão, 8 - Wine & Books Lisboa Hotel
1300-396, Lisboa
Localizado num dos bairros mais típicos de Lisboa, insere-se no Wine & Books Lisboa Hotel. Visa recuperar antigas e genuínas receitas e tradições culinárias, atualizando-as de forma sofisticada, pela mão do Chef Hugo Cortez Teixeira.
Ponte do Jorge
- heritage
Ponte D'Além do Rio
5300-048, Bragança
16th-century bridge, with horizontal Board on a single broken bow.
Pelourinho de Failde e Carocedo
- heritage
Lugar do Pelourinho
5300-532, Bragança
16th century pillory consisting of a prismatic block, a foundation eats three steps quadrangular, a smooth cylindrical shaft and a parallelepiped. Pelourinho original, just keep the forend.
Pelourinho de Bragança
- heritage
Rua Duque DOm João II
5300-689, Bragança
A monument with a cylindric column, topped by a chapiter with romanic elements with suspension rings. The zoomorphic figure, known as the "porca da vila" (villages female pork), sculptured in granite, stands on a platform with four steps. There is a cylindric column that has, on the top, a cross with equal arms. The tops of those arms represent a bird, a dog, a man and vegetal motives. On the top of the cross, one can see a shield.
Monumento em Memória da Grande Guerra
- heritage
Rua Trindade Coelho, 2
5300, Bragança
A stone obelisc, located in the centre of a square and built as a reminder of World War I.
Junta de Freguesia de Sobrado e Bairros
- utilities
Rua José Estevão, 117
4550-135, Castelo de Paiva
União de Freguesias de Raiva, Pedorido e Paraíso
- utilities
Oliveira Arda - Raiva
4550-612, Raiva
Junta de Freguesia de Fornos
- utilities
EN 502-1 - Fornos
4550-360, Fornos - Castelo de Paiva