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3570, Carapito

Aguiar da Beira

Dating back to the late neolithic, the villag has several archaeological vestiges of different cultures and civilizations, namely the menhirs, the biggest of which (four metres) is classed as a national monument. There is also the castro (a celtic village) of Carapito. The pillory (16th century, just after the charter) and the mother church also stand out. The village/parish is located on the left bank of the Tàvora river and reach its highest point, the Pisco Mountain, at an altitude of 986 metres. A special note to the local cheese.

Vila Alva

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Vila Alva
7940, Vila Alva


The parish of Vila de Alva is located on th left bank of the Alvito brook, where the wine production, the cheese, the "linguiça" (a sausage), the craftsworks and the wood miniatures stand out. The monumnts include the Church of Saint António, of Saint João, of the Misericórdia and the Chapel of Calvário.

Aldeia do Meco

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Aldeia do Meco
2970, Aldeia do Meco


An area of beaches and pinewoods where fishing is the typical activity. The Castelo parish has several monuments, namely palaces and manors, churches and chapels, the medieval set of the Sesimbra Castle and its surrounding area and the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Cabo. The stone works are an example of the local arts.

Porto Covo

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Porto Covo
7520, Porto Covo


A rustic village that is famous for its beaches. The houses feature popular Portuguese architecture dating back to the 18th century, built to shelter the families that were left without a home at the time of the earthquake (1755). Egarding the monuments, a special note to the Mother Church, the Marquês de Pombal Square and, in the Ilha do Pessegueiro (Peach Tree Island), the Pessegueiro Fortress, of the 17th century and the Church of Our Lady of Queimada (14th century). Concerning the craftswork activities of the region, a special note to fishing, leather artefacts, wood artefacts, paper artefacts, silk painting …


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3650, Fráguas

Vila Nova de Paiva

A village where most of the houses are made of granite. The monuments include the mother church with a procession cross and several linen panels with the scenes of the Passion, the pillory, the chapels of Saint António, Saint Bárbara, Our Lady of Penha and Our Lady of Consolação, the old prison and the menhir. The local craftswork includes the manufacturing of baskets.

Vila Cova à Coelheira

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Vila Cova à Coelheira
3650, Vila Cova à Coelheira

Vila Nova de Paiva

The pillory, an 18th century house with coats of arms, a unique house known as "Sinagogue" that reflects the importance of the Jewish colony that onc eexisted here, stand out in this village. A special note to the belvdere, the water mill and the river beach as well. The domens of Queiriga and Pendilhe and the Necropolis of Almoxene are located nearby.

Vila Nova de Paiva

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Vila Nova de Paiva
3650, Vila Nova de Paiva

Vila Nova de Paiva

Located at an altitude of 775 metres, in a rather fertile area, surrounded by rocky hills, by the Leomil Mountain. Its architectural heritage includes the18th century mother church, built in granite on the site of a romanesque construction, with a romanesque-bizantine cross inside. A special note to the chapels of Saint Francisco and Saint António, the house of the Caldeira family, the Paços do Concelho building, the crucifix and the Facho belvedere as well. The local craftswork includes linen objects and more.


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3650, Queiriga

Vila Nova de Paiva

A very old village that has several vestiges of megalithic monuments. A special not to the menhir "Orca dos Juncais" (National Monument), with paintings of hunters, deers and dogs. The Mother Church and the chapel of Saint Eufémia are also worth a visit.


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3650, Alhais

Vila Nova de Paiva

A village with several old granite houses. Its cultural heritage includes the pillory that stands on a rock and has four gargoyles on the chapiter and the mostly romanesque motheer church. A special note to the Rocha da Forca, Orca de Porto Lamoso and crucifixes as well. The local craftswork includes straw objects.


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3640, Escurquela


Located at an high point, this is the place to visit the mother church and the chapels of Saint Tiago, Saint Bárbara and of the Lord of the Aflitos.

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