Explore the best places

Coudelaria Vale Pau
- leisure
2100-675, Santana do Mato
Equestrian center located on a 20-hectare farm, with a covered and two outdoor riding arenas, 12 boxes and a cross field. Space with plenty of field to gallop and quiet to rest.

Piscinas Municipais de Coruche
- leisure
Rua Capitão Salgueiro Maia
2100-142, Coruche
The outdoor pools are open in the summer, closing on Mondays. The indoor pool is only closed on Sundays and public holidays. These are spaces with good conditions and infrastructure.

Torre do Cemitério da Erra
- heritage
Rua da Misericórdia
2100, Coruche
Of the old church, which was destroyed during the 1755 earthquake, only this bell tower remains, restored in 1766, and which can now be seen, isolated, in the town's cemetery.

Antas do Caminho da Fanica
- heritage
2100, Couço
Set of dolmens located in the extreme south of the municipality of Coruche. They date back to the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods.

Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Castelo
- heritage
Avenida Nossa Senhora do Castelo
2100, Coruche
During the Reconquista, this hill overlooking the town built a castle, the scene of frequent battles between Muslims and Christians. Currently, there is this hermitage invoking Our Lady of the Castle. According to tradition, the Church was founded by King Afonso Henriques, with a portrait of this king preserved there. The chapel is very long and not very wide, with a single nave, with a stone pulpit and a crossing arch in pink marble.

Igreja da Misericórdia de Coruche
- heritage
Travessa do Hospital, 2
2100-134, Coruche
Very old temple, from the 16th century, with a single nave, with a high choir supported by four simple columns and in which there is a pipe organ dated 1803. The main altar does not have a crossing arch and bears in the center the image of the patron saint, Our Lady of Conception. The royal facade has a royal crown.

Igreja de Santo António
- heritage
Rua Direita, 5
2100, Coruche
Very old temple, donated by King Afonso III to the Master of Avis. The patron saint is Saint Anthony of Lisbon, but it was once under the protection of the Archangel Saint Michael. Church with a single nave with wooden ceiling and chancel with barrel vault with coffers.

Pelourinho de Coruche
- heritage
Largo do Pelourinho
2100, Coruche
Reconstructed in 1941 from original elements from the 15th/16th centuries, it features a stepped plinth of five steps on which a hexagonal base . The torso shaft is spiral and has quadrangular rosettes.

Biblioteca Municipal de Coruche
- heritage
Largo do Pelourinho, 14
2100-114, Coruche
The library fund amounts to 20,000 copies in the most different and varied areas.

Miradouro de Coruche
- country
- leisure
2100, Coruche
From this place it is possible to see the typical houses of the municipality, as well as beautiful natural landscapes. In the background, the Sorraia river, which crosses the municipality and delimits Ribatejo do Alentejo.