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Pelourinho de Provesende

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Largo da Praça
5060-251, Provesende


Pillory supported on five octagonal steps with a chamfered shaft, a quadrangular cage with a rude device and a massive crown, from which the conical top emerges. It has a weather vane dating from 1765.

Santuário de Nossa Senhora da Saúde

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Rua da Amoreira
5060-405, São Lourenço de Ribapinhão


Pilgrimage sanctuary, next to the hot spring. It consists of a chapel, fountain, Casa dos Milagres, cross, bandstands and surrounded by a wooded park. Mannerist chapel with a longitudinal plan consisting of a single nave and chancel, inside with a high choir, built-in confessionals, pulpits, two side chapels with rococo altarpieces and a neoclassical main altarpiece. The cruise is from the 19th century, with a column with a smooth shaft, a square capital and a Latin cross with a sculptural group.

Torre do Pinhão

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Torre do Pinhão
5060, Torre do Pinhão


Mountain village with traditional houses built in granite and with a thatched roof. Be sure to visit the 18th century church and the Miradouro do Monte da Senhora da Guia, also known as Miradouro dos Corujos.

Jardim da Rua da Ribeira de Sabrosa

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Rua Barão da Ribeira de Sabrosa
5060, Sabrosa


Green garden in the center of Sabrosa, with leafy trees.

Jardim de Sabrosa

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Rua Sebastián Elcano
5060, Sabrosa


Green garden in the center of Sabrosa, with leafy trees and a lake.

Miradouro da Capela de São Domingos

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5060, Provesende


Location with views of the Douro and São Leonardo de Galafura.

Igreja Paroquial de Parada do Pinhão / Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição

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Largo da Igreja
5060-109, Parada de Pinhão


Late-baroque church with chancel. The ceilings are made of wood and there is a bell tower attached to the left side facade and a sacristy to the opposite. Inside it has a high choir on columns, a baptistry on the Gospel side, four confessionals, a pulpit on the Gospel side, and two altarpieces and the late-Baroque main altarpiece and two collateral altarpieces.

Casa da Pereira

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Rua Fernão de Magalhães
5060-333, Sabrosa


Although the certainties are not absolute, everything suggests that Fernão de Magalhães was born in this house, and there is even a reference to Sabrosa in the navigator's will. Being a rural farm house, it has popular civil architecture, characterized by small openings, without erudite elements. The coat of arms inserted in one of the cornerstones of the house would have been chopped by order of King Manuel I, as the navigator made his great voyage of discovery at the service of the kings of Spain. The house was never sold and passed to the current owners by inheritance. In …

Mamoa de Madorras

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5060-408, São Lourenço de Ribapinhão


With around 30 meters in diameter and around two meters in maximum height, it is a prehistoric tomb built around 6000 years ago. It was discovered in 1912 by Albino Lopo and was first excavated between 1983-1988. It stands out for its monumentality and state of conservation, which led to some scientific interventions that provided innovative and important results for the knowledge of the communities that built this imposing tomb and inhabited the region.

Cemitério Lusitano-romano / Quinta da Relva

  • heritage

EN323 - Quinta da Relva
5060, Provesende


Roman and medieval necropolis, consisting of four graves of different types and chronology. Some graves are structured with vertical slate slabs, others in the shape of a box, and still others as anthropomorphic sarcophagi. The excavations carried out at the site allowed the removal of some remains consisting of ceramic artefacts, in addition to an anthropomorphic stele, currently on display in the Abade de Baçal Museum garden, in Bragança. However, of all the tombs discovered, only two anthropomorphic sarcophagi remain, leaning against the elevation on the Epistle side of the Sanctuary of Santa Marinha.

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