Piscina Municipal de Alvaiázere
Set of swimming pools with their respective support facilities.
- Swimming pools
- tuesday: 10:00-14:00, 14:30-20:00
- wednesday: 10:00-14:00, 14:30-20:00
- thursday: 10:00-14:00, 14:30-20:00
- friday: 10:00-14:00, 14:30-20:00
- saturday: 10:00-14:00, 14:30-20:00
- sunday: 10:00-14:00, 14:30-20:00
opening hours
Sports near Piscina Municipal de Alvaiázere
Estádio Municipal de Alvaiázere
Grass stadium built in 2004 by architect Artur Caetano da Silva, with capacity for 2000 people.
Polidesportivo de Almoster
MultiSport grounds fenced, with artificial lighting, countertops and markings for various modes.