Torre do Relógio / Torre Ameada
This battlemented tower was built in the 15th century and is considered a National Monument. The construction has a square plan with four floors and its decoration includes several elements such as the cannon gargoyles, produced after the original construction and the crenels. The building is included in a medieval ensemble which includes the castle and a pillory. This tower is also known as Cabicanca due to a legend saying that a cursed stork used to terrify the city inhabitants.
Largo dos Monumentos Nacionais
3570,Aguiar da Beira
- tel:232689101232689101
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- Easy external parking
- Towers
- True
Monuments near Torre do Relógio / Torre Ameada
Fachada da Capela de São João Evangelista
Apresenta uma fachada rebocada e pintada de branco, circunscrita por cunhais apilastrados, assinalados por pináculos. O portal é em arco abatido, coroado por f…
Estátua do Santo
This statue with about 4 feet tall, depicting a Saint, is located at the top of monte da Senhora do Castelo, in the ruins of the Castle.
Fonte Ameada de Aguiar da Beira
This quadrangular shape source covers a well and a source of chafurdo. With their coverage makes a stage on the hillside, a space with benches, which allows it…
Igreja da Misericórdia de Aguiar da Beira
This church is characterized by the main facade torn by a large portal, Windows, glasses and a quadrilobados niche concheado. Still show traces of the former c…
Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Castelo / Igreja Nossa Senhora do Leite / Capela do Calvário
This church shows the Virgin breast-feeding your Baby into a beautiful sculpture and naïve. The Baroque altar was built long after the temple, which was being …
Igreja Matriz de Aguiar da Beira / Igreja de Santo Eusébio
This church, built probably in the 18th century, has undergone successive renovations throughout the centuries, especially in the interior, as can be seen by t…