Biblioteca Municipal - Pólo de Landeira
- Libraries
Cultural Centers near Biblioteca Municipal - Pólo de Landeira
Auditório Municipal de Vendas Novas
The Municipal Aujditorium of Vendas Novas is a cultural infrastructure located in th sma building as the Municipal Library. The space has a cinema room.
Biblioteca Municipal de Vendas Novas
The Library of Vendas Novas is located next to the Public Garden and avails several different services, namely educational, informative, cultural and others.
Espaço Etnográfico do Rancho Folclórico de Landeira
The Ethnographic Area of Rancho Folclorico de Lacson has, in addition to the Museum, a part of multimedia character. The space is divided according to the them…
Museu de Artilharia
The EPA museum deals with military history and is largely located in the garden by the school, where one may find the Bocas de Fogo (Fire Mouths) and another a…