Palácio dos Desportos de Torres Novas

This space hosts sporting activities but also cultural spectacles and other initiatives. Offers 4500 places, eight locker rooms, rooms for exhibitions and other events, conference room, room for rehearsals, two rooms for press conferences, six press booths, régie, medical office, bars and restaurant.


Torres Novas
2350,Torres Novas


  • Multisport facilities
  • Bar/snack-bar, Restaurante

Sports near Palácio dos Desportos de Torres Novas

Campo de Futebol da Pinheira

Turf football field with bleachers and artificial lighting.

Campo de Futebol de Meia Via

Football field with dirt floors, countertops and artificial lighting.

Clube Desportivo de Torres Novas

Vedado, football field with bleachers and artificial lighting.

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What do do near Palácio dos Desportos de Torres Novas