Pavilhão Desportivo do Clube Atlético de Molelos


Rua do C.A.M. Caminho Velho


  • Private parking
  • Sport complexes

Sports near Pavilhão Desportivo do Clube Atlético de Molelos

Campo Nossa Senhora da Esperança

11-a-side football pitch, naked and with showers.

Campo de Futebol Cinco de Castelões

5-a-side football pitch with cement floors.

Campo de Futebol da Caparrosa

11-a-side football pitch naked, with artificial lighting and locker room.

Campo de Futebol de Campo de Besteiros

11-a-side football pitch, naked, without countertops and with artificial lighting.

Campo de Futebol do Clube Atlético de Molelos

11-a-side football pitch, naked, with benches on the right side, being a part of the covered grandstands. Has artificial lighting and locker room. In this room…

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What do do near Pavilhão Desportivo do Clube Atlético de Molelos