Incomum by Luis Santos

Para o chefe Luís Santos é um regresso a casa e a concretização de um sonho, baseado na paixão pela cozinha. A experiência adquirida nos espaços por onde passou é notória na apresentação de pratos como foie gras com maçã verde e bolo-rei, com a acidez a contabalançar na exata medida a gordura, nas entradas, vieiras com erva príncipe e risotto de cogumelos, nos peixes, e lombinho de porco preto com xarêm de ameijôas, nos principais. Percebe-se a segurança da cozinha, que promete novas aventuras.


Rua Alfredo da Costa, 22


  • 30.00€
  • 45
  • Selected
  • Classic
  • ATM, Mastercard, Visa
  • Easy external parking
  • Author, Portuguese
  • Internet, smoking, Air conditioning, accessibility

    opening hours

  • monday: 12:00-00:00
  • tuesday: 12:00-00:00
  • wednesday: 12:00-00:00
  • thursday: 12:00-00:00
  • friday: 12:00-00:00
  • saturday: 16:30-00:00
  • sunday: 12:00-00:00


( 1 Review )

Restaurants near Incomum by Luis Santos

Adega do Saloio


20.00 €

A rustic restaurant that has five rooms with a typical atmosphere and a regional Portuguese menu.

Curral dos Caprinos


20.00 €

A restaurant located in an old byre, decorated with rustic furnitures and agricultural objects. Kind, effective service. Fine regional food in large portions. …



15.00 €

A cafe/restaurant located in front of the railway station, that serves dishes at economic prices.

Dom Pipas


17.50 €

A friendly space that features traditional Portuguese dishes. Good wine list.

O Apeadeiro


20.00 €

A simple restaurant, located near the CP station (the railways), that serves regional dishes and is most attended at lunch time.

O Tunel


15.00 €

Restaurant with three dining rooms, rustic decor and careful service.

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