O Alentejano

O restaurante O Alentejano, situado no centro histórico de Serpa, está instalado num edifício do século XIX, decorado de forma sóbria e afável. A cozinha é predominantemente alentejana, e respeitando as tradições do receituário regional, oferece uma grande variedade de petiscos, como os ovos mexidos com espargos bravos e enchidos. Nos principais há que provar o arroz de perdiz, os pezinhos de porco de coentrada, o ensopado de borrego e as sopas de cação. O pão de rala é imperdível.


Praça da República, 8


  • 20.00€
  • 48
  • Business, Familiar, Informal
  • Traditional
  • Historic centre, Town
  • ATM, Mastercard, Visa
  • Difficult external parking
  • Portuguese, Regional
  • smoking, Dinner (after hours), Lunch (after hours), Air conditioning

    opening hours

  • tuesday: 12:00-15:00, 19:00-22:00
  • wednesday: 12:00-15:00, 19:00-22:00
  • thursday: 12:00-15:00, 19:00-22:00
  • friday: 12:00-15:00, 19:00-22:00
  • saturday: 12:00-15:00, 19:00-22:00


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Restaurants near O Alentejano

A Piscina

Portuguese ; Seafood restaurant

10.00 €

A modern space that features fine Alentejo dishes. It is also a beer house and a shellfish house.

Boa Vista

Portuguese ; Regional

20.00 €

The Boa Vista restaurant in Serpa, narrowly was already in Spain, so close to the border that is. This restaurant, Temple of good to eat before they leave the …

Cervejaria Lebrinha

Portuguese ; Regional

15.00 €

O restaurante Cervejaria Lebrinha é um nome incontornável em Serpa, devido à imperial que “nunca morre”. Da cozinha saem típicos comeres alentejanos, seja como…

Bombeiros Voluntários


8.00 €

The name derives from the location, since the restaurant is situated next to the volunteer fire department. The cuisine is regional and affordable prices.

O Zé


8.00 €

A familiar restaurant with a personalized service that serves rather well prepared Alentejo dishes. Rather used for large events, namely weddings and baptisms.

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