Convento dos Franciscanos / Convento de São José

Ancient monastery founded in 1725 to serve as hospital and hostel to the friars of the third order mailers das termas. The conventual set consists of the temple, cloister and monastic dependencies. The former monastery church, highlighting only within the tiles and the image of the Virgin with child. Have a chime in activity and promptly is open for concerts of classical music and traditional music of the region.


Largo de São Sebastião
3660-441,São Pedro do Sul


  • Difficult external parking
  • Convents & Monasteries
  • Visitable (no guide), Restaurante
  • True

Monuments near Convento dos Franciscanos / Convento de São José

Escultura do Palácio da Justiça

This sculpture is composed of a column about 7 feet tall is tapped by several human figures about 3 feet tall.

Busto ao Poeta António Correia d'Oliveira

Bust in honor of the first Centenary of the birth of this poet of São Pedro do Sul.

Escultura à Vitória da Liberdade

This sculpture, located on a roundabout with lawn space, has about 3.5 feet tall and a small fountain circling her. Represents abstract form, though perceptive…

Escultura no Largo da Feira Nova

This sculpture, located in the Centre of a roundabout with lawn space is about 3 meters tall and represents abstractly a tail of a fish.

Fonte do Largo da Cerca

This ornate little source consists of a pia in shell and is surmounted by a wall with a very simple edge. Has potable running water.

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