Mercado Municipal de Santarém
Localizado perto do Tribunal da cidade, é uma construção de 1930 que sobressai pelo interessante e extenso conjunto de painéis de azulejos. Ao todo, são 55 os painéis figurativos a que se juntam oito decorativos, feitos na antiga Fábrica de Sacavém, e que apresentam motivos de propaganda turística e regional. O edifício, que tem uma distinta linguagem arquitetónica, foi construído no local onde durante séculos se realizou o antigo mercado ao ar livre, naquela que era conhecida como Praça Velha.
Rua Doutor Jaime Figueiredo, 22
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Monuments near Mercado Municipal de Santarém
Capela de Nossa Senhora do Monte
This Chapel belonged to leprosaria 12TH century, having been abandoned in 1292 with the change from the hospital. In the 16th century was restored in Renaissan…
Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Piedade
Church founded in 1664 by Dom Alfonso VI, was completed in 1684 according the project of Jácome Mendes. Features three portals with "Renaissance reminiscences"…
Igreja de Santa Clara
Founded by Dom Afonso III, this temple with Gothic roots has suffered many changes throughout the times and it was rebuilt in the 20th century. The present chu…
Igreja e Claustro do Convento de São Francisco
This building was constructed between 1242 and 1260 with regal support from D. Sancho II and D. Afonso III it was enlarged by D. Dinis and D. Fernando. It was …
Janela Manuelina no Edifício na Praça Sá da Bandeira
This window is one in calcareous stonework and it is divided by a thin column with a mudéjar capital. It denotes the characteristic style from King D. Manuel t…
Palácio de Eugénio Silva / Câmara Municipal de Santarém
This building has classical lines and it is a fine example from the Manor houses civil architecture from the 17th century, presenting elegant and sober façades…