Porto Náutico


Rua do Almada, 472


  • Informal
  • Modern
  • Swimming Pool
  • ATM, Mastercard, Visa
  • Private parking
  • Local accommodation
  • Hair dryer


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Hotels near Porto Náutico

Decanting Porto House

Localizado no coração da cidade, o Decanting Porto House ocupa um edifício centenário no centro histórico da Invicta. A recuperação do hotel, realizada em 2014…

Fontinha House

The Fontinha House is a small old dwelling typical of the area and time (late 19th century). Fully recovered, is of type T2, being composed of a bedroom with a…

Grande Hotel do Porto

Is on plain line track of Santa Catarina, near the emblematic Majestic, which is no less charming Grande Hotel do Porto, opened in 1880 and whose 94 rooms have…

Hotel Aliados

Installed in a monumental building, one of the architectural symbols of the city, combines the best accommodation within their qualification the traditional Po…

Hotel América

The America Hotel is in downtown Porto, close to the historic district, asserting itself as a great starting point to discover the city. It offers recently ref…

Hotel Dom Henrique-Downtown

The Hotel Dom Henrique-Downtown, located in the heart of downtown Porto, 300 metres from Trindade metro station, is recognized for its structural characteristi…

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