Museu de História Natural e da Ciência da Universidade do Porto
The Museu de História Natural is part of the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto (Faculty of Science of the Porto University). It was created in 1996 and has several poles of other museological nucleus of former institutions. This museum has three rooms open to the public, the mineralogy room Montenegro de Andrade, the palaeontology room Wenceslau de Lima and the archaeology and pre- historic Mendes Côrrea.
Praça de Gomes Teixeira
- tel:220408050220408050
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- website:
- Museums
- Guided tours
- monday: 14:30-17:00
- wednesday: 14:30-17:00
opening hours
Cultural Centers near Museu de História Natural e da Ciência da Universidade do Porto
Biblioteca Musical
This is a Belle Époque building with azulejos (tiles) panels on the inside and also on the outside. Here you will find books related to music, as well as ancie…
Centro Português de Fotografia
Instalado no edifício da antiga Cadeia da Relação, o Centro Português de Fotografia foi criado em 1997, ainda antes da total requalificação e ampliação. Desde …
Galeria dos Benfeitores da Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto
The Church dates from the XVI century but suffered profound changes during the baroque period, from which we point out the Nicolau Nasoni’s front. Neighbouring…
Matéria Prima
Initially, the raw material was just a service of orders and deliveries of disks, but currently it is stated as a meeting point for professionals and lovers of…
Museu da Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto
Lodged at the Igreja da Misericórdia, the museum exhibits valuable historic, religious and musical manuscripts, as well as sculpture and painting works, spread…
Teatro Carlos Alberto
Opened in October, 14th, 1897, the Carlos Alberto Theatre has been an evidence of the agitated quick passing years, namely the 20ies. In February, 1979, the th…