Piscina Municipal de Ponta do Sol

A set of indoors swimming pools with balnearies.


Ponta do Sol
9360,Ponta do Sol


  • Swimming pools

Sports near Piscina Municipal de Ponta do Sol

Campo de Ténis da Marina do Lugar de Baixo

A fenced tennis court, with a synthetic floor and artificial lights.

Campo Municipal de Ponta do Sol

A soccer field with a lawn, balnearies and artificial lights. It has seats for 700 spectators. It is used in the home matches of the Associação Desportiva Poin…

Pavilhão Gimnodesportivo de Ponta do Sol

A large pavilion fit for practising several sports.

Polidesportivo de Madalena do Mar

A fenced multisports precinct with a synthetic floor, seats, artificial lights and markers for several sports.

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What do do near Piscina Municipal de Ponta do Sol