Pelourinho da Bemposta

This pillory is composed by a four steps platform, an octagonal shaft with a small base and the finishing is a conic piece.


Rua do Espírito Santo


  • Difficult external parking
  • Pillories & Stone crosses
  • True

Monuments near Pelourinho da Bemposta

Calvário e Cruzes da Via Sacra de Bemposta

Set of seven cruises, included in the Via Crucis, composed of a parallelepiped plinth surmounted by a Latin cross. Were built at different times, believing tha…

Capela de São Sebastião

Mannerist Chapel of longitudinal plant simple, with a unique space and with homogeneous coverage in gable roof. It was probably built in the 16th century, suff…

Capela do Divino Espírito Santo

Vernacular architecture and Mannerist Chapel, with a longitudinal plan consisting of a single space Chapel and a vestry located near. Inside, the main Manneris…

Casa no Largo do Rossio

Dwelling house consisting of a simple rectangular plan with two floors and, in the central zone, three floors. Has side terraces and a small backyard. It was b…

Fontes e Alminhas em Bemposta

Set of three fountains, a public laundry and Shrines. The Shrines were built in 1876 and feature a niche back perfect with an alms box at the base. The fountai…

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