
Inserido no Museu do Azeite, o Restaurante Olea é o local ideal para degustar a gordura mais saudável da alimentação humana.


Travessa dos Vales, 7 - Museu do Azeite


  • 30.00€
  • 50
  • Familiar, Historic
  • Modern, Provence
  • ATM, Cash, Visa
  • Private parking
  • Portuguese, Vegetarian
  • Internet, smoking, Air conditioning, accessibility

    opening hours

  • tuesday: 12:00-14:30
  • wednesday: 12:00-14:30
  • thursday: 12:00-14:30
  • friday: 12:00-14:30
  • saturday: 12:00-14:30
  • sunday: 12:00-15:30


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Restaurants near Olea



12.00 €

A simple and familiar space, located on a villa's ground floor, that serves national dishes. It has a small terrace.

João Brandão


25.00 €

Restaurant specializing in international flavors, but a typical scenario beirão. The Chief, Frenkel of Greeuw, manoeuvre the Portuguese ingredients with master…

O Túnel

Portuguese ; Regional

15.00 €

The restaurant the tunnel stays in Oliveira do Hospital, and must pass a tunnel made of stone of the region, to get to this place. To compensate for the cold, …

Quinta dos Sisos


8.00 €

A large, simple and familiar space that serves several national dishes, namely live coal grilled dishes.

Varandas Verdes


8.00 €

A restaurant located in a pleasan and pecafeul place, with lovely views of the Alva river and of the Estrela mountain. It serves fine regional dishes.

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