Parque da Ilha do Picoto
A pleasant space with a picnic area and a river beach on the Alva river's bank. It has lovely panoramic views of the region.
Ilha do Picoto
3400,Oliveira do Hospital
- Parks
Gardens near Parque da Ilha do Picoto
Jardim Américo M. Abrantes
A small garden, quite welcoming, with flowerbeds, garden benches and lamps.
Jardim do Largo do Adro
A garden with flowerbeds crossed by the typical Portuguese pavement. There are garden benches and lamps. A special note to the pillory in the centre.
Miradouro António da Costa Mesquita
A place with lovely views of the surrounding region, including the river.
Parque de Merendas de Varandas de Avô
Small lawn space with several picnic tables and benches. Offers a beautiful view over the region.
Miradouro de Varandas de Avô
A small stone belvedere with a few benches, that has magnificent views of the region.
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