Espaço Inovação

A multi uses space where several cultural, recreational and social activities take place. It is also the siege of the Associação Comercial e Industrial da Bairrada (Commercial and Idustrial Association of Bairrada).


Zona Industrial de Troviscal


  • 164
  • Theatres & Showrooms
  • Auditorium, Temporary exhibitions, Restaurante

Cultural Centers near Espaço Inovação

Biblioteca Municipal de Oliveira do Bairro

A space with a wide collection of documents, besides an animation service for the children.

Centro Cultural Professor Élio Martins

A space where several cultural and recreational activities take place. It was founded by the União Desportiva, Cuktural e Recreativa from Silveiro.

Coreto do Jardim da Praça de São Pedro

A smallm well preserved bandstand where the local philarmonic bands perform during celebrations.

Museu de São Simão

A small museum that exhibits a collection of religious art works.

Museu de Etnomúsica da Bairrada

This museum exhibits a wide collection of instruments and documents related to the practice of music in regional associations and aims to preserve the local tr…

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What do do near Espaço Inovação