O Josué

Rustic house with good service and quality cuisine. In addition, regional meat dishes lack the good fish, seafood and homemade pastries. Good selection of Alentejo wines.


Rua António José Gonçalves, 87


  • 17.00€
  • 90
  • Familiar, Informal
  • Rustic
  • Countryside
  • ATM
  • Easy external parking
  • Portuguese, Seafood restaurant
  • smoking, Dinner (after hours), Lunch (after hours), Air conditioning, Take-away

    opening hours

  • monday: 12:00-23:00
  • wednesday: 12:00-23:00
  • thursday: 12:00-02:00
  • friday: 12:00-23:00
  • saturday: 12:00-23:00
  • sunday: 12:00-23:00


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Restaurants near O Josué

A Barca - Tranquitanas

International ; Portuguese ; Seafood restaurant ; Vegetarian

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João da Longueira

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