Castelo de São Romão (Vestígios)
At the foot of the Serra do Larouco, among o Corgo o Corgo and do Fojo of the Goatherd, 1090 ft maximum altitude is a rugged Hill that was once a fortified settlement of pre-Roman times. For the whole lot are visible remnants of alignments of structures, with higher incidence on the upper deck, where you will find the highest concentration of ceramic materials. There are also remains of walls. Of North and Northwest defence was natural. Iron age fortified settlement, taking into account the ceramic booty found.
- Difficult external parking
- Archeological sites
- True
Monuments near Castelo de São Romão (Vestígios)
Capela de Santo António
Santo António was the Lawyer of the animals. Associated with and this chapel there is a peculiar tradition. On the feast day of Saint Anthony, the population o…