Solar dos Sampaio e Melo / Solar do Morgado do Rabaçal / Casa do Redondo
Late-Baroque Manor House is believed to have been built in 1759, suffering after renovations in the 21st century. Presents a regular plant in U and L on the second floor, giving rise to a courtyard which if adossam other volumes.
Rua Doutor Eurico Afonso Inocêncio
- tel:926430690926430690
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- Private parking
- Palaces & Mansions
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Monuments near Solar dos Sampaio e Melo / Solar do Morgado do Rabaçal / Casa do Redondo
Capela de Nossa Senhora de Lourdes / Capela de São João Baptista
Baroque farm consisting of a residential house and a chapel built on the facade. It was built in 1748 by order of Manuel de Seixas Moutinho. Presents a longitu…
Igreja Matriz de Longroiva / Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Torrão
Church built in the 15th century, where stands out the roof of the chancel, in sacred multi-colored panelled caissons, and the gilded altarpiece.
Chafariz do Rabaçal / Fonte das Poças
Diving fountain probably erected in 1764 Baroque. Is composed of a rectangular water box surrounded by several rectangular tanks and with coverage in slabs.
Igreja Matriz de Rabaçal / Igreja de São Paulo
Chapel of longitudinal, rectangular plant with homogeneous coverage to two waters. The facade features a straight Dick portal surmounted by a telescope, especi…