Piscinas Municipais de Loures

Set of exterior and Interior pools, with changing rooms, bar and shop.


Rua Jacinto Duarte


  • Swimming pools
  • Shop, Bar/snack-bar, Balneário

    opening hours

  • monday: 07:10-21:30
  • tuesday: 07:10-22:00
  • wednesday: 07:10-21:30
  • thursday: 07:10-22:00
  • friday: 07:10-21:30
  • saturday: 08:10-20:00
  • sunday: 08:30-13:00

Sports near Piscinas Municipais de Loures

Campo da Matinha

Eleven-a-side football pitch on dirt, belonging to the Sport Lisboa Fanhões.

Campo das Vinhas

Eleven-a-side football pitch on dirt, with sealing and artificial lighting.

Campo de Futebol de Frielas

Eleven-a-side football pitch on dirt with fence and artificial lighting.

Pavilhão Paz e Amizade

The peace and friendship Pavilion consists of a central enclosure, a Sports Hall and a gymnasium. With a capacity of 2000 spectators, is host to major sporting…

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