A Roda dos Petiscos


Rua Doutor João Pereira Dias, 4


  • 8.00€
  • Cosy, Familiar
  • Simple
  • ATM
  • Private parking
  • Portuguese
  • accessibility

    opening hours

  • monday: 12:00-14:30
  • tuesday: 12:00-14:30
  • wednesday: 12:00-14:30
  • thursday: 12:00-14:30
  • friday: 12:00-14:30, 19:00-22:30
  • saturday: 12:00-14:30, 19:00-22:30


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Restaurants near A Roda dos Petiscos

Adega do Mouzinho


10.00 €

The simple decoration combined with good taste result in this welcoming restaurant.

A Grelha

Portuguese ; Regional

14.00 €

Simple restaurant, with glazed ceramic in green and yellow shades exposed on the walls. It offers views of the city.

Casinha Velha

Portuguese ; Regional

45.00 €

The Casinha Velha restaurant, in Leiria, has already gained fame in the region. The space is simple, but with details that make the difference and make this re…

Papadoc Caffé


12.50 €

Cozy space, with careful and appealing presentation. The kitchen is Italian and is sought after for its quality.

O Pipo Velho


15.00 €

A restaurant with a rather pleasant decor and a familiar atmosphere.

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