Casa da Família Falcão / Solar de D. Silvestre / Solar do Visconde de Trancoso / Solar da Duquesa de Pozem
Mannerist rectangular plant Solar, matching the interior space with the exterior, and with coverage in roof of four waters. Was built on a former building in 1616 by Silvestre Francisco Leitão, alcaide-mor of new castle. He currently is vacant.
Rua da Misericórdia
- Easy external parking
- Typical houses & Relevant buildings
- True
Monuments near Casa da Família Falcão / Solar de D. Silvestre / Solar do Visconde de Trancoso / Solar da Duquesa de Pozem
Capela de Santa Ana
Chapel of longitudinal plant simple, matching the interior space with the exterior. Provides coverage in gable roof and main facade with gabled shot, torn by a…
Capela de Santo António
Chapel of longitudinal plan simple with a single space, matching the interior space with the exterior, and with coverage in gable roof. On the main facade, sta…
Casa D. Luís de José Correia
Manor of rectangular plant composed of the main building and a adossado body. It is believed that it was built between the 19TH century and the 20th century. O…
Casa Sampaio Roquete
Manor of rectangular plan with two floors divided by a frieze in stonework, coinciding the outer space with the interior. On the facade, there are two corner W…
Castelo de Castelo Novo
This castle was founded at the time of Dom Dinis, by the Templars, around 1290, and is currently in ruins. It has an irregular plan and has a bell and keep. Tw…