Piscinas Olímpicas do Funchal
Complex with four pools: one Olympic (50 metres x 10 tracks), one for pool diving, one with 25 metres and a learning one.
- Swimming pools
- monday: 08:00-21:00
- tuesday: 08:00-21:00
- wednesday: 08:00-21:00
- thursday: 08:00-21:00
- friday: 08:00-21:00
opening hours
Sports near Piscinas Olímpicas do Funchal
Campo Adelino Rodrigues
Set of one open air field and an interior multisports space with benches, artificial light and locker rooms.
Campo de Futebol da A.D. dos Xavelhas
Fenced football field belonging to the Associação Desportiva dos Xavelhas. The pavement is in bad shape. It has lights, benches and locker-rooms.