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Capela do Senhor dos Passos

  • heritage

Lugar da Igreja
4750-558, Manhente


Featured for your altar of rich carving.

Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Terço

  • heritage

Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, 252
4750-279, Barcelos


This church was constructed in 1707 by the Archbishop of Braga by orders of King D. João V. It used to belong to the Benedictines convent and after the religious orders extinction it was given in 1846 to the Rosary Sorority. In this seventeen hundreds church it is worthy t mention the many objects filling the inside: the ceiling has 40 panels painted with biblical scenes, the altars are in golden carve, the canopy pulpit, the valuable statuary and three big sixteen hundreds canvas.

Igreja Paroquial de Alvito / Igreja de São Martinho

  • heritage

Rua de São Martinho
4750-072, Alvito (São Martinho)


16th-century Church, alpendrada, with longitudinal plant just one ship and Bell Tower. Highlight for columns that support the porch, with a different decoration on the bases and capitals.

Capela de São Bento da Buraquinha

  • heritage

Rua Cândido dos Reis
4750-277, Barcelos


Chapel of longitudinal single rectangular nave plan. Inside there is a cover of sepultura, in granite, belonging to the settlor.

Igreja Paroquial de Carvalhas / Igreja de São Martinho

  • heritage

Rua de São Martinho
4755-114, Carvalhos


Church of longitudinal plan comprised of a single nave and chancel lower and narrow.

Igreja Paroquial de Góios

  • heritage

Rua da Nossa Senhora do Ó - EN306-1
4755-243, Goios


Also known as the Church of Nossa Senhora da Expectação, displays a Manueline baptismal font and some vestiges of the primitive Church and pipe organ.

Capela de São Brás

  • heritage

Largo de São Brás
4750-069, Barcelinhos


Simple chapel with Renaissance decoration. The Mannerist altarpiece.

Capela da Senhora da Guia

  • heritage

Rua Nossa Senhora da Guia - EN306
4755-400, Pereira


Alpendrada Chapel, with longitudinal plant just one ship. Great expressiveness in the figures of the main altarpiece.

Igreja de Santa Cruz

  • heritage

Travessa de Santa Cruz
4755-246, Goios


Church with sui generis plant, since it was never completed. Has only a single body willing scored crosswise, to close its interior.

Capela de Santo António

  • heritage

Rua do Ribeiro - EN306-1
4755, Carvalhos


Simple Chapel of longitudinal plant. It has features very particular Mannerist, similar to the chapel of the Valley of Flowers\/Ínfias

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