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Serra do Louro

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Serra do Louro
2950, Palmela


The Louro mountain is part of the Arrábica mountain chain and is included in the Arrábida Natural Park. There are vestiges of the neolithic, the Roman age and the Muslim age until our current days. At the peak there are mills that have witnessed time and history.

Serra de São Luís

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Serra de São Luís
2950, Palmela


This mountain includes the Arrábida Mountain Natural Park. From its tallest point one can view the Setúbal Peninsula, Lisbon, the Atlantic Ocean and Tróia. It is a 2.5 km long massif, 1 km tall, with typical vegetation.

Serra de Monfurado

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Serra de Monfurado
7050, Escoural


It is 17 km long and it is located to the south of Montemor-o-Novo, between the Canha and Alcáçovas Brooks. It has a wide diversity of plants.

Serra de Leomil

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Serra de Leomil
3620, Moimenta da Beira

Moimenta da Beira

Located to the southwest of Moimenta da Beira, the hill grows between the Paiva and Távora rivers and belongs to the Galician-Douro massif. It is 10 km long and reaches its peak at an altitude of 1011 metres. From the peak there are wonderful views of the Tedo, Paiva and Távora valleys, as well as the tops of the Marão, Estrela, Caramulo and Montemuro mountains. Once named Nave Hill, archaeological elements were found here, such as vestiges of roman roads, stones that indicate the presence of fortresses, mamoas and menhirs. The flora includes the pine trees, the Portuguese broom, the …

Serra de Grândola

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Serra de Grândola
7570, Grândola


The Mountain belongs to the Old Massif to the South of the Tejo and occupies the regions of Grândola and Santiago do Cacém. It has its highest peak at the Cume da Atalaia whre one can find the imposing ruins of the Church of Our Lady of Livramento. From the mountain one can view the ocean and the planes of the Alentejo region. It is 20 km long.

Serra de Espinhaço de Cão

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Serra de Espinhaço de Cão
8600, Lagos


This mountain belongs to the Ancient Massive South of the Tejo. It is located in the westernmost part of the Algarve (near the Bravura Dam) and is oriented northeast-southwest, perpendicular to the Monchique Mountain. One can practice some sports here.

Serra da Nogueira

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Serra da Nogueira
5300, Bragança


Located to the southwest of Bragançaand belonging to the Ancient Massif of Trás-os-Montes, this is a branch of the Montesinho mountain. It is 12.5 km long and 10 km wide and has its highest pont at 1319 metres. On the top, we find the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Serra, a privileged belvedere. On its slopes several small rivers are born that have several fish species such as the common trout, the barbel and the eel among others. The fauna is impressively diverse and one should note the presence of wolves, foxes, boars, wild cats several birds and amphibuous. …

Serra da Melriça

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6110, Vila de Rei

Vila de Rei

A hill located to the northeast of Vila de Rei, with a length of 10 kilometres and a height of 578 metres. Vila de Rei is the precise centre of the country and on the top there is a landmark, from 1802, that signals the local. That place has lovely panoramic views of the region. The space is filled with pine trees and there are traditional preserved villages, with thirs houses on the hillside and the streets paved with schist.

Serra da Lapa

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Serra da Lapa
3640, Quintela


It belongs to the Old Massif of Entre Douro e Tejo and it is located to the northeast of the district of Viseu. It is 8 km long and 3 km wide and contains the spring of the Vouga river. Currently, in August, on the Shrine of Our Lady of Lapa, thre is a popular "romaria". It is an excellent belvedere.

Serra da Gralheira

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Serra da Gralheira
4690, Gralheira


This hill is a northern continuation of the Montemuro Hill. One may follow the pedestrian trails and visit the lost villages with their schist covered houses. The hill has magnificent views of the valley.

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