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Museu Nacional do Azulejo
- heritage
Rua Madre de Deus, 4
1900-312, Lisboa
In this museum, located at the former Madre Deus Convent, the visitor is invited to make a journey through the glazed tiles art, from the XV century till our days.
Casa-Museu Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves
- heritage
Avenida 5 de Outubro, 8
1050-055, Lisboa
It was commissioned by the painter José Malhoa with design by the architect North Jr. The "fresh" decoration of the facades was executed by Eloy, second Malhoa models and António Ramalho. The sculptures are by Costa Motta. It belonged later to Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves that bequeathed to the State. Currently works as Casa-Museu Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves.
Núcleo Museológico Luís Serra
- heritage
Rua da Capela, 1
2670-631, Loures
Núcleo museológico instalado na sede do Grupo Musical e Recreativo da Bemposta, onde podemos conhecer um vasto espólio que foi sendo recolhido, ao longo de três décadas, pelo Rancho de Folclore e Etnografia “Os Ceifeiros da Bemposta”. Conta com trajes, alfaias e transportes agrícolas, ferramentas, loiças, utensílios de cozinha e mobiliário.
Museu do Dinheiro
- heritage
Largo de São Julião
1100-150, Lisboa
Desenvolvido com a equipa do Banco de Portugal, este museu assenta em núcleos temáticos que focam os artigos-padrão, o dinheiro no mundo e a sua história ao longo dos séculos, o fabrico da nota e da moeda e o papel do dinheiro.
Casa Museu Marta Ortigão Sampaio
- heritage
Rua Nossa Senhora de Fátima, 291
4050-428, Porto
This House-Museum, donated by Marta Ortigão Sampaio to the Porto municipality, rebuilds the atmosphere of the former owner, showing mostly jewellery and painting (we point out the works of Aurélia de Sousa, Sofia de Sousa and other painters from the end of the XIX, beginning of the XX centuries).
Lux Frágil
- food & drink
- leisure
Avenida Infante Dom Henrique, Armazém A
1950-376, Lisboa
This is one of the most famous nightlife places of Lisbon. Because it is so large, you can choose a relaxing spot or an agitated moment at the dance floor.
Sky Bar by SEEN
- food & drink
Avenida da Liberdade, 185
1269-050, Lisboa
Localizado no 9º piso do Tivoli Avenida Liberdade, oferece uma vista privilegiada, ritmos suaves e cocktails perfeitos a acompanhar.
Jardim Botânico do Porto / Galeria da Biodiversidade (Casa Andersen)
- country
- leisure
Praça Gomes Teixeira - Rua do Campo Alegre, 1191
4099-002, Porto
This beautiful garden stretches along the land of the former Andersen's family house where you can enjoy the groves of naturalist arrangement, a plants’ collection or even hothouses with orchids, carnivorous plants and ferns, among other tropical and subtropical plants.
Centro Interpretativo do Património da Afurada
- art
Rua António dos Santos, 10
4400-554, Vila Nova de Gaia
Housed in an old fish warehouse, the Afurada Heritage Interpretive Center is a space designed to enhance the collective memory of this fishing community. Through permanent and temporary exhibitions related to the village's traditions, such as fishing tools or traditional costumes, it allows visitors to get to know the daily life and culture of this community.
Casa-Museu Teixeira Lopes
- heritage
Rua Teixeira Lopes, 32
4400-320, Vila Nova de Gaia
In this space the collection of sculptures, paintings, Portuguese and foreign craftswork, furniture and decoration from Teixeira Lopes (1866-1942) are to be viewed.