Comunidade monástica constituída por uma vintena de monjas carmelitas descalças. As Monjas Carmelitas Descalças da Ordem da Virgem Maria do Monte Carmelo vem na esteira do monaquismo oriental e tem como inspiradores os Padres Antigos do Monte Carmelo, em especial o Profeta Elias e Eliseu.
Also called Santa Luzia hill, it is located by th city of Viana do Castelo. From the belvedere, 249 metres high, one can view the city, the Lima valley and the sea. On the top thre is the Santa Luzia Church. The ascent to the top can be made on foot, elevator or car. It is a space of rare beauty, with diversified vegetation, the celtic village (citânia) of Santa Luzia and the Tílias Park.
A rustic restaurant located in an old barn of a close by manor. It aims to recreate a pateo of the Alentejo region, according to the rural architecture of the Alentejo hills. Quite a friendly service and a varied menu, namely of meat dishes. Good wine list.
A restaurant that has been serving the fine Beiras region's cuisine for over 30 years in a large and comfortable dining room. Very good and quite varied wine list. It has also a nice bar.