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Edifício do Teatro de Tabuaço / Teatro Luís de Freitas

  • heritage

Avenida Marechal Carmona
5120-385, Tabuaço


Building that features 19th century cultural civil architecture. Adaptation of an old warehouse the theater that had two renovations, the last of which in the 20th century. This theater is inserted in the auditoriums of rectangular plant, the scene met with acting Auditorium audience surrounded by large, horseshoe-shaped balcony and box seats near the stage. It has a rectangular configuration stage.

Edifício da Câmara Municipal de Tabuaço

  • heritage

Rua António José de Almeida, 36
5120-413, Tabuaço


Property that identifies a civil architecture, administrative and judicial policy, neoclassical revival. The building is rectangular in plan, with two floors. The arched Windows are slightly pointed and with flags.

Convento de São Pedro das Águias

  • heritage

5120-442, Távora


Convent that shows traces of Romanesque religious architecture, Baroque and Mannerist. The primitive structure shows have been a Cistercian convent. The Church's nave, chancel and vestry. It also features cloister with dormitory, refectory, chapter room and an agricultural farm for self-reliance of the conventual life.

Casa onde nasceu Abel Botelho

  • heritage

Rua das Ameixoeiras
5120-405, Tabuaço


Property of civil architecture, Baroque residential. The House is very simple and of rectangular plant and two birthplace the diplomat and writer Abel Botelho.

Capela de Nossa Senhora do Socorro

  • heritage

Lugar de Cima, sita no Lugar do Rossio
5120-172, Granja do Tedo


Chapel which features and longitudinal plant architecture. Is composed of ship with chorus-high and narrow chancel.

Igreja Matriz de Desejosa / Igreja de Santo Antão

  • heritage

5120-143, Desejosa


Very simple Church of Baroque architecture with longitudinal plant composed of ship preceded by closed porch. Presents chancel, vestry and belfry adossados the right side facade. Inside are three examples of talha.

Casa Macedo Pinto e dependências agrícolas

  • heritage

Rua Doutor Gomes Mota, 12
5120-414, Tabuaço


Property features civil romantic residential architecture. It's a noble dwelling on two floors of the main building with a great sobriety in the decoration. It also features some constructs for farm next to the main residence.

Capela de Santa Bárbara

  • heritage

Avenida Marechal Carmona
5120-385, Tabuaço


Chapel of mannerist architecture and pioneering project. Presents longitudinal single space plan, the coverage is lit by Windows neomanuelinas, torn in the side facades. The interior has Mannerist gilded altarpiece. The throne of the altarpiece-mor features scenes of Christ's passion. Windows neomanuelinas in the lateral façades and, inside, the altarpiece of Mannerist gilded chancel.

Solar setecentista no Largo do Terreiro

  • heritage

Largo do Terreiro
5120-394, Tabuaço


Two-storey house with rectangular plant that features civil architecture, Baroque residential. Have enclosed agricultural land and scattered by the property protected by walls.

Capela de São Torcato e São Plácido / Capela de São Pelágio

  • heritage

5120-413, Tabuaço


Chapel featuring revivalist architecture. Inside the chorus loud and pulpit are in the hand of the Gospel and the main altarpiece is carved in white, with neoclassic style. The Chapel is the 18th season with some Gothic Revival, existing Windows and glasses of the main façade. Lateral façades with large window and angular shot, unusual, appearing on the left, indicating the Corbels to adossamento various a body. The interior is the altarpiece of large dimensions.

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